Can I cancel by order?

Yes you can cancel your order but within 24 hours from the time of booking of the order. Any cancellation request after 24 hours from time of placing the order will not be accepted in any circumstances.

Will I get the refund?

Yes you will get a refund within 5-7 days from the cancellation of the order. But the payment gateway/transaction charges will not be refundable on account of cancellation. We will refund you the balance amount after deducting payment gateway/transaction charges via same source.

What happens if you pay twice for the same transaction?

In case where a customer has paid twice for one order by mistake or any other reasons whatsoever, we will refund one transaction amount by 10-15 days via same source. But the payment gateway charges will not be refundable in any case.

Can I avail returns?

You can initiate a return for damaged or tampered products citing the reason for such request within 7 days from the date of delivery of the product. Further our technical team will analyze and scrutinize the issues. In case the product is repairable at customer place, our repair team will get it done by a maximum of 7 days from the date of return request. Whereas if the product is not repairable we will accept a return and issue a replacement by next 10 days from the date of return request.

If you initiate a return after 7-15 days from the date of delivery of the product, Natwood Furniture will analyze the type of defect or damage and repair the damaged product at customer place and you will not be charged at extra. But if our service team reports a damage or tampered wilfully by the customer then the same will be repaired at a cost to be borne by the customer.