Do you ship to my city?

Currently we are shipping to Kolkata only.

What are the delivery charges?

Shipping is FREE for Kolkata.

What is the estimated delivery time?

Your order requires processing time and shipping time. The processing time may be different for each product. The shipping time is based on the address of the product delivery. We typically deliver all online orders by a maximum of 30 business days excluding Sundays and public holidays. Ready products are delivered by 3-5 days but in case of some specific products it takes around 30 days to get delivered to the customer. Please check the product detail page of a particular product for delivery time in days.

How do I track my order?

Click on “Track Order” link at the bottom of our website to know the status of your order.

For any query you may call at 9163729486 or email us at

What happens if I receive a damaged product?

  • If you see obvious damage to your shipment carton, you may ask the courier person to open the carton and inspect the contents with you
  • If upon inspection you find damage, Keep a copy of the delivery receipt with your damage notations and contact us at 9163729486 and send us the images of damaged product.
  • Keep all packaging materials for 7 days to in case you discover damage or defects after delivery
  • We will either replace the damaged product or take other corrective measures to repair the same depending on situations.


What about the Fitting

Fitting is absolutely FREE for customers in Kolkata. You may call us at 9163729486 for the fitting request.